JC / Tenth
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Going to zoo...quite up to my standard...quite fun. We reach the ZOO at 9.30++am assemble outside the entrance[=="] they group us into two groups of sec1 because the auditorium is not that big...it happens that we are the second group...we gotta sit on the floor with the ants...[YIKES!]
When we got in...we were told on what to do, then we start the trail...
this is how it goes....

1. Go to the treetop...SO MANYYYY PEOPLE...we found our answer on a...[whats that called????] never mind...we gotta count the octagon flooring...we so look like a bunch of idiots looking on the floor for money...[I meant me only...not you all...]

2. Later we go to the tiger trek...worse! even MORE PEOPLE...so Wendy,Shijia,yanli and lizhen go squeeze in the crowd for the answers...[laugh*] only I and Cheryl never go join the crowd...we wait for them to get the answers...but I see them ke lian so I also join in the crowd...but...the people got lesser when I and Cheryl go in the crowd...

3.[YAY!] we go see he mah [Aaron's relatives]...luckily the crowd was very little so very easy to copy the answer...then...walk...walk and saw a wild boar[chao ka per sei!] and I,Shijia and lizhen cannot stand the aroma...perfume[haha...]so we walk faster and...[this one not important...]

4.We go find the kangaroo and emu...[this is also not important]...then inside the enclosure and Wendy,yanli and shijia  saw a kangaroo with a like-heart-shape thingy there....you know???there....they cannot stop laughing...[haiz...so...never mind]

5. At the hamadryas baboon...ok ok lah...not that stingy but it still stings...

6. We walked to a cafe...ALL the things are so expensive...a apple...$0.90...one bowl of porridge...$5.50.Pudding...$2.50....so we took a chance to restructure our things the a booklet and plan what to do next while eating and drinking their expensive...golden food.

7. once again we went back to Hamadryas Baboon...not a soul to be seen...only two-three tourists...and there yanli complaining the hot weather...indeed it is warm...but she can complain from Hamadryas Baboon to the enterance...[woah!] she totally gonna break the longest time complaining!

Got back to school....and as normal...we go home...

I know...I very greedy...want so much song for what....but I will still ask:
1. Beyonce -Halo


Friday, May 15, 2009

Yesterday's E-learning is sooooooo.....BORING.....[ZZZzzz...]I can't believe what would happen to me during June hoildays?!?!?!?...rot??? [giggle]
Luckily today's E-learning...was much betta than yesterday...

just to let you know the songs again...I wann...

1. Oceana -Cry Cry
2.John Legend -Everybody Knows
3.Pink -I am a rockstar
4.Lady Gaga -Love game


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

isn't it cute???

Finally...the mid-year examination[WW3] has ended....today was totally a sure-to-freak-out day....Mr tan kept saying we are easily satisfied with our work...almost all the class was been nagged by him...even me...I drew apple, spoon and coke can for my Art...he kept saying[nagged] 'bout my coke and not my apple and spoon[=="] I ended up destroying my paper plus my coke can...great!?[not] when home as normal...and finally I can use the computer with comfort...YES!!! Friday and Monday do not need to go school because it is E-learning day...BUT Tuesday in a will-gonna-freak-out day because we are going to the ZOO...ARH! Can't they bring us some where nice???? I been going there for decades! no..no..no.. centuries!!! 



Saturday, May 9, 2009

I was forced to do this....

Aeton: THANK[s] for tagging...=="


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today having my literature examination...modernate...It ends about 9.20am...so stay in school with Wendy until her parents come to fetch...then go to the sweet talk shop buy almond drink...suah suah saw Aeton and Zong Yi drink something black[chocolate oreo] make their teeth so black like 10000000000 years never brush like that...hahas...the process of walking from the sweet talk shop to the bus stop and waiting for the bus is so terrible...
1. got shot by the the pearls...[zhen zhu] (by: Aeton)
2.Got shot again on the shirt...(by: Aeton)
3.the two took the same bus with us...
4.the bus driver told us to keep the sweet talk into our bags
On the bus...X2....suddenly Aeton go ask us to drop his phone like for no reason...I and Cheryl was pushing the phone to each other...finally Cheryl is willingly to drop the phone...and...the cover drop off..hehe[evil laugh*] He kept asking me to pay for his phone...which is IMPOSSIBLE...not my fault...[here's the FUNNY part]

Aeton thought he saw his friend and kept calling [dun what is he calling] ah she(snake)like for three times...then walk forward to see him...diao is the wrong person then he go like "solie solie"...[haha] then Zong Yi kept shaking his head,he pretenting not to know him so he go sit in front....cheryl cannot stop laughing...really! CANNOT STOP....X2[skip]...go home...well...normally...

Because of massive taggs I have to do this...

Anthea:okay...I hope so...
Wendy:Nice right???!!!
Lizhen:thanks for tagging but erhm...why you keep changing your blog...
shafiqah:you too!
Samuel:you are rite!
Nicholas:what do you mean by loggy...btw thank for tagging
hazirah:OK...how is your chicken-poxs...
ALL: take care!!!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

short post...ahah....haha...

love this song...



There's a lot of talk about you 'cuz there's a party in your bedroom all night long. Pretty girl, it's your show. Let it go when you're alone. This feels right, don't say goodnight.
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